Benefits of adding Bean Sprouts to your plate

Nutrient dense powerhouse! Bean sprouts! These little ones pack a heavy nutrient dense punch sprouts such as; Alfalfa, buckwheat, clover, lentil, mung, radish, broccoli. What is a bean sprout?? Sprouts are young greens that only typically only a few days “old”, the seeds are just germinating, and much of the nutrients bursts into the seedling, making these little sprouts-including the seed, bean, grain and it’s shoot- an abundant source of nutrients!!! I just want to share a few reasons why I think you might enjoy adding them to your plate- and give you a few tips on making them YOURSELF in your home.

Sprouts are a great source of nutrients during the wintertime months, when other fresh leafy greens may not be as abundant, local and well fresh- making them often lack in some nutrients.

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There is an abundant variety of bean sprouts of which I mentioned above- rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential amino acids. Sprouts are a living food- which contain active enzymes that can help you with digestion and the assimilation of these beautiful nutrients!!! These living foods are high in Vitamin K, many B Vitamins, Vitamins A & C.

Here are a few reasons you might want to add them to your plate!

  1. Help build strong bones! Remember I mentioned bean sprouts are rich in minerals? Manganese- is a mineral found in bean sprouts and is helpful in building strong bones. Combining minerals such as manganese with calcium, vitamin d, magnesium are shown to help improve bone mass.

  2. Sprouts can help support healthy digestion- Soaking seeds can increase the enzymes that are available to the seed sprout as well as fiber!! The combo of fiber and enzymes are helpful in the food being passed through your GI tract well.

  3. Supports the Immune System- Iron is needed to properly digest and assimilate nutrients from food! Iron is best absorbed in the presence of Vitamin C!

  4. Has been shown to help reduce anxiety. Foods rich in Vitamin C has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety.

  5. Rich in antioxidants that are anti cancer and can help fight illnesses.

  6. Broccoli Sprouts for healthy hormones!!! The Sulforaphane which is found in broccoli sprouts can help women’s bodies maintain healthy and balanced ESTROGEN levels. Sulforaphane is again an antioxidant that can help with how your body is handling estrogen metabolism. Sulforaphane is also rich in glucosinolate, a sulfur-rich compound that supports liver detoxification- which is essential for healthy hormones amongst many things. It transforms or removes any excess hormones from the body. If the liver cannot do this properly, there is the risk of emotional imbalances.

    6a. The abudance of nutrients in Broccoli sprouts literally make them one of my favorite go to’s. Once again - the Sulforaphane has been shown to positively affect the course of aging.

The really cool thing is you can make these powerful nutrients right at home. And I will help YOU!!

What you NEED is simple!!

- Wide-mouth 32 oz mason jar
- Sprouting lid
- Sprout Seeds
- Access to shade, water + sunlight

1. Place 2 Tbsp of seeds in jar and fill with water until seeds are covered by 1-2 inches or so. Store in dark, cool place for 8-12 hours (I used my cabinet space).
2. Dump water out and rinse thoroughly with cool water. Place in sprouting holder or bowl so that the jar can stand semi-up right. Store in same cool, dark place.
3. Proceed to rinse sprouts 2x per day with cool water. This will be a continued practice throughout the sprouting process.
4. Once they grow to about 1 inch in length, remove them from the cool, dark place and place them in indirect sunlight, ideally where there is also airflow. You’ll notice they’ll really start to photosynthesize, turning bright green!
5. Once the sprouts grow green leaves, they’re ready to consume. Once you’ve completed the sprouting process, make sure it’s been 12 hours since your last rinse and change the sprouting jar lid to that of a solid mason jar lid, and store in fridge. These will be good for ~1 week.

They are usually ready in approx 5 days.

How to enjoy??

On top of avocado toast, salads, tacos, sandwiches. Enjoy Loves.



Soaking & Sprouting your Lentils!!


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