Reducing the Impact of Stress


Good Afternoon!!

What a common thread these days, coming up with all my clients and what feels like a constant topic in our house!

Reducing the impact of stressors in our life!

You can’t change the stress around you, however you CAN and must change you ability to manage and/or cope with stress in a healthier way.

First thing in managing your stress, you must understand the signs of too much stress (as not all stress is bad stress), and understand not all stress looks like stress. And, what each person will perceive as stressful, is a highly subjective situation, as this brings us to bio-individuality- we’re all different. I could get really into this, however for now I will keep this just really basic to keep you here with me.

Not all stress is bad, in fact stress can be positive and motivating (such as if you are under pressure to knock out a deadline).

Some signs, maybe you have too much stress in your life: lack of energy, impaired digestion, insomnia, hormone imbalance, acne, headaches, changes in your libido, depression, this is just to name some. All of which, sound miserable right?

Here are some to help you manage/cope with your stress:

Change your expectations. This can be helpful by trying to plan out your day by focusing on priorities. Set boundaries!! Ask yourself, “Do I have time for this”? And, learn to say NO. Learn to understand, somethings you just cannot control, focus on how you react to those things.

Start focusing on issues that you CAN control- and make intentions to solve them! That messy kitchen that has you feeling overwhelmed each time you walk by? I see you. Take steps to resolve the things you can control. If that means, setting aside the 30 minutes or so to pick up your kitchen. It will help. I promise.

Avoiding those stressful triggers! This touches a bit back on boundaries! If your girlfriend/partner calls you every afternoon to tell you about their frustrating day. Don’t answer, then set aside time to explain that is not okay!

Non-Negotiable- Make time to relax and to do activities you enjoy! Take in time each day, to sit quietly and breathe deeply, where-ever that might be. Especially for the BELOW!!

Movement- Is incredibly helpful in reducing stress! Adding movement to your daily life will help offset the daily stressors and bring balance into your nervous system!

Consume a Nutrient Dense Food Routine - Consuming nutrient dense foods that will help support your body as a whole! Practice mindful eating (breathing techniques) before eating, to help stimulate digestive responses for proper digestion, therefore assimilating as many nutrients as possible, to help your body deal with stress.

Get in NATURE!

I sure hope this helps you all on your journey to living a fulfilled and less stressed life!

In health,


Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.
— Brene Brown


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