
June is here!!!

Summer is almost here! Can you feel it? If you are some areas of the PNW you might already be in summer weather- like me, where in Boise it is calling for 90’s-100 degree weather all week. Wowzer.

June starts some of my favorite seasonal produce! I always find June such an exciting time, food wise. A lot of the nice soft fruit is coming into season (hello strawberries!).

When you buy foods that are purchased within the season:
Food tastes better- as it is being picked at it’s peak ripeness.
More nutrient dense
You support local farmers/community

Helps cut down on environmental impact; reduced CO2 emissions in transport/reduced packaging and waste.

Foods purchased out of Season:
Are often picked before their peak ripeness- leading to food having less flavor (bland)
Less nutrient dense

Significant increase environmental impact.

Here are some lists of some of my favorite veggies that are being grown Locally in Season- I also have a list of fruit- yet that list is much smaller!

Here are some additional in season veggies growing in and around Idaho:

Chili Peppers

Fava Beans



Broccoli Rape





Herbs are in abundance cilantro, sage, rosemary, parsley, oregano

Please note: seasonal produce varies per location! I tried my best to do a mix of states but a great website to visit is http://www.seasonalfoodguide.org

Happy Eating in Season!! See you next Month!

In health!



Why balancing Blood Sugar is part of Foundational Health


What are you eating May?